Monday 11 April 2022

Peer Reflection

 It was a good experience.  We got an idea of how to take online classes and proper using of ICT.In this week ,we all completed our peer teaching. Each one take activity based, model and ICT based lesson plan .Due to proper time management,  classes were completed on right time.On 9.01.2022 we completed our ten lesson plans.

Weekly Peer Reflection

 On 31.12.2021,Friday our peer teaching as a part of third semester B.Ed curriculum was started. It was conducted through google meet.There are 8 students and each one take 10 classes.It was started at 6.00pm and ends at 10.00 pm.Each class took half an hour. First class was taken by Ameena then by Arya,Jaisly,Kavya,Nikitha,Rejeena,Sreelaya and finally Sruthy. In this week,each one completed 5 lesson plans.Charts,activity cards etc were presented through screen presentation.Each one including me completed the class on right time.Provide good introduction and consolidated all activities on right time.Ask questions to all and give follow up activities.